Originally released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC It’s not bad, though, and while I won’t criticise the tone when it’s clearly going for that tone, but Monument Valley this is not. Regardless, this is perhaps one for people on a higher mental plane than I, because some of the puzzles really gave me a headache. I didn’t notice too much in the way of HD Rumble, and it’s not a deal breaker that the image quality is lower, but sometimes in a game where you’re staring at the same area for a while trying to understand the problem and create a solution by shifting perspective (this game seriously challenges your spacial awareness) I’d really recommend playing it on more powerful console, and I’d imagine it looks a lot better on PC.

It runs just fine in handheld and in docked, and the dimensions of the game are such that not much is lost on the smaller screen. There’s not a lot else to report with the Switch version, really. The Switch version doesn’t look bad, really, but it’s just rough enough round the edges that I feel a cleaner, higher-resolution image would genuinely mesh better with the story of finding your purpose in the world has. This is a game that believes it’s got something to say, and perhaps it will resonate with many, but it’s also a game that you play for five minutes and instantly know that it’ll look better on other consoles. It doesn’t help, of course, that the narrative is incredibly self-serious. There are plenty of mind-bending puzzles based around constant perspective change that are, no doubt, brilliantly designed, but they are just on the frustrating side of things that it’s a struggle to entirely connect with the game. The design is incredibly clever, that’s for sure. You know those games you want to like, but just can’t? We’ve all got a few of them, and Etherborn is the latest one for me.

Simultaneously released on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC and scored 5.5/10 on Xbox One These reviews aren’t just to talk about the game but to look at how the games run and play on the Switch and how they use the Switch features. If you’re new to the Switch Re:Port Reviews on the Geek, I (with the help of the fine folk here) look at the Switch ports of games that have been released on other platforms. Today’s feature includes Switch port reviews for Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Deluxe Edition, God Eater 3, and Trine 3 from Mick Fraser, Etherborn from Adam, and Clannad from me. This is the 50th Switch Re:Port Review and I’m glad to have done this for so long with the help of everyone on the team. After a short break, the Switch Re:Port Review returns with some big releases across the last few weeks for the Nintendo Switch.