Enter theminimum size in kilobytes, and the search won’t return results smaller than what you choose. To do so, go back to the Smart Folder, open the search criteria, and select File Size, Is Greater Than. If you want to avoid copying images that are only graphics associated with other files, such as help files, you canexclude them from the search by size. That’s why, if there are too many images in the search results, it might be better to copy them to the new folder in several batches. Note that if there’s a large number of files, the process might take a while, and if the search returns a huge number of photos, your system might even become unresponsive.

However, you can reopen the criteria window by clicking the gear icon and choosing Show Search Criteria. After you choose Save, the criteria will disappear from your screen, and you’ll only see the Smart Folder you just created. Remember to name it so that you’ll always know what it’s for – pick a name like Pictures Search or something similar.
How do you find applications on mac plus#